My first public disagreement with

by Prometheus 6
June 13, 2003 - 12:17am.
on Old Site Archive

My first public disagreement with ZenPundit

Mark speculates on the type of campaign Senator Clinton will run in 2004 or 2008. It's actually a pretty decent plan:

First we will get a " New Hillary " - we are seeing some of that now with her book promotion - older, wiser and more capable of poking fun at her own foibles who will chuckle about her days as the lightning rod of 1600 Pennsylvania avenue. Then the campaign will emphasize HRC's statesmanship as a senator and first lady while pushing proposals that sound bold but politically speaking will be surprisingly middle-of-the road in tone. When the crazies on the Right come out with predictably frantic and excessive personal attacks, she'll be taking the high road.

Hey, if Bush did this (push proposals that sound bold but are actually middle of the road) I'd vote for him. In fact, that's pretty much what he did. Unfortunately he has proven to be such an extremist there is no way I'd trust him to keep his word


The idea of a Hillary Clinton presidential candidacy is much like the idea of a unicorn. Such a creature could exists… it just doesn't. A Clinton candidacy would do more to energize the Republican base than the return of the Gipper himself. And a Clinton win would likely signal the start of the four year period that culminates in the Second War of Secession.

Not that I'd mind if she won. It would bring the day we see a Black president that much closer. But if you want to gain power you don't set up your own obstacles. Sen. Clinton would be just as useful and convincing as Majority Leader and far less of an obstacle to regaining and leeping the presidency.

She's due for a major increase in influence, and yeah, the book is probably part of setting the stage for that. But not as POTUS.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/13/2003 12:17:00 AM |