Upcoming plans I

by Prometheus 6
August 22, 2004 - 2:23am.
on Random rant

Reasonable progress being made settling the site down. There's still some hinky stuff to straighten out. That's largely my fault because when learning something I tend to run parallel experiments and I sort of lost track which version of which module goes with which version of the site software.

And things can look right yet be all wrong. The Recent Comments box was a perfect example of that. That's fixed now, and the full text search isn't perfect but it finds stuff. It just isn't very nice about telling you where the word or phrase you searched for is.

CSS tweaks are proceeding apace. But further hackery here must wait because tomorrow it's time to tune the Niggerati Network. I need that site finished because there's some things I want to get into that really needs to be handled seperately from news, politics and all that rot, things I think are important as opposed to things I think people should be aware of.