Upcoming plans II

by Prometheus 6
August 22, 2004 - 2:50am.
on Politics

I've pretty much decided I'll be on the street with a camera. I've been reading around sites like www.a31.org, RNC Not Welcome and Counter Convention, which last two have extensive calendars of events and counter-events. Some of them are just free advertising, like when a club "welcomes" the RNC with a rave in the Village four days beforehand. But there's a lot of training going on, first aid, legal rights, even self defense.

There's a couple of days of civil disobedience planned and it seems like it should all come off reasonably well. Then again, I remember the white collar riot in Florida. I put nothing beyond Republican operatives.

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Submitted by Scott (not verified) on August 22, 2004 - 3:32am.

Congratulations on your site upgrade.

I do hope where ever you protest there are a lot of new yorkers. I suspect out of towners will have not learned the #1 lesson of 9/11 which is to keep your cool.

New York is a different city post 9/11. A much more mature and respectfull place. Remember the lesson from the black out last year. I know I walked about 5 miles on the way home without seeing a single cop. And guess what there was no crime and chaos either.

And if you do come to central park don't fuck up the grass, stay on the roadways. - thanks

P.S. You were the fist black blogger I found on the net. Once I had dicided that the color free web where everyone was white was getting boring.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 22, 2004 - 3:47am.


I'm a New Yorker.

Submitted by Scott (not verified) on August 22, 2004 - 6:57pm.

Cool, I look forward to canceling out your vote in Nov

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 22, 2004 - 7:50pm.

Such a wealth of possible responses.

"It figures a Bush supporter can't think of anything constructive to do."

Or maybe "All the Republican votes will be used up cancelling other folks long before you get to mine."

Or I could ignore such silly sentiments as "cancelling" my vote. It's simply not within your ability to do.

Submitted by Al-Muhajabah on August 22, 2004 - 9:20pm.

It works both ways, and I suspect after this there are a lot of people who will look forward to cancelling Scott's vote. I know I am.