Where's Novak?

Novak is the only one who published this leak so he should have been the first one…the only one, in my opinion… spoken to.

'Time' reporter being unfairly punished in debacle over CIA leak

Fri Aug 20, 7:29 AM ET

When George W. Bush and Dick Cheney (news - web sites) stand arm-in-arm on the stage of Madison Square Garden in 13 days basking in the thunderous cheers from the Republican convention, a prominent White House correspondent may reluctantly be missing the festivities. Time magazine's Matt Cooper could spend the GOP convention and perhaps the entire fall campaign in federal detention.

…Punitive leaks have been a constant of Washington life, regardless of which party is in power. But what adds a sad irony to this story is that Cooper was not the journalist who unmasked Valerie Plame's undercover career. That role was obligingly played by conservative columnist Robert Novak, who in July 2003 reported that Wilson had been sent by the CIA to Niger on Plame's recommendation to investigate purported Iraqi efforts to purchase uranium.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on August 23, 2004 - 5:38am :: News | War