Bad moodSeveral things are going

by Prometheus 6
June 13, 2003 - 2:48pm.
on Old Site Archive

Bad mood

Several things are going on in the world and in blogging space that, between them, have me annoyed. There's a government agency or two I wish would just stop fucking around and do the right thing, and there's a nastiness in blog space that everyone ought to just let go of now that they've all said their piece.

With all this in mind, apropos of nothing, Jesse at Pandagon points to a story that pretty much sums up the feeling of futility I have today.

from Asia Times

US turns to the Taliban
By Syed Saleem Shahzad

KARACHI - Such is the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan, compounded by the return to the country of a large number of former Afghan communist refugees, that United States and Pakistani intelligence officials have met with Taliban leaders in an effort to devise a political solution to prevent the country from being further ripped apart.

What the fuck was the point???

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/13/2003 02:48:49 PM |