Dean lost it at Oliver's joint

by Prometheus 6
September 2, 2004 - 10:51pm.
on Race and Identity

Sorry dude, but you did.

Well hang me for a KKK member. I don't like the way black people talk to the movie screen when I go to a movie. I don't like the overly loud rap music (even though honest to God, I do love Dr. Dre--Hahaha! Yeah, 9 duece, def row records, creepin' while yer sleepin', niggaz with attitudze, no Loc, niggaz on the motherfucking mission..."), don't like the way black comedians can make fun of me but I can't make fun of them back. I hate the way the vast majority of poor kids in lousy schools in America are white kids but we aren't supposed to notice. I hate the way that a kid who grows up in Detroit in a shitty neighborhood and a crappy school but happens to be white gets no break, but a pampered black kid like Oliver Willis gets all the special deference because his skin is maybe one shade darker than my sister's, but a pale Arab or Asian kid gets assumed to be "privileged" no matter how poor or fucked up his upgringing is.

I know a white kid who grew up literally in a dirt floor shack with an outhouse. In the 1980s. I know another kid, blacker than Oliver to a considerable degree, whose father was a Cadillac dealer (no, swear to God, no joke) worth several millions of dollars. You tell me which kid was "better off" and in need of special privs.

Oh fuck it, just look at pampered little bitch Harold Ford Jr., who was born in 1970 and never saw a segregated lunch counter in his life, went to the best schools Washington DC could offer to him as a wealthy Congressman's son, a little brat whose millionaire family is the most powerful in Tennesseee next to the Gores--yeah, this little brat gets to stand up and say "I personally benefitted from Affirmative Action," but my poor white trash cousins on the south side of Chicago who scraped by with less than nothing are dirt because well hey, they have pasty-white skin and deserve no special consideration.

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