Well said

On a certain level, this reminds me of an incident in NYC several years ago, where some kids were playing with some of those mega water cannons they use instead of the wimpy water pistols I had (hell yes, I'm jealous). They accidentally nailed some asshole driving by with his window open and said asshole opens fire with a side arm. As a result the local city councilman introduced a bill banning…big water pistols.

If you humans don't get your damn priorities straight I'll likely be your last Prometheus.

Quote of note:

Summer's almost over. Get a life. Or, better yet, a fantasy about a sunny beach where autumn never arrives.

A Dream Gets Pulled Over

September 4, 2004

…Say you're a 10-year-old boy or girl. You get your weekly allowance, about $40,000. Naturally you skateboard to a Chevy dealer to buy a blood-red 2005 Corvette and immediately do fantastical things on empty streets, in immense pipes and off tall ramps. Suddenly, time slips into first gear and you exchange a look with the kid in the airborne Corvette soaring past yours.

No one with a real life and a childhood to recall could see the Corvette commercial, fully identified as a dream sequence, as GM urging prepubescents to drive cars recklessly over American cities. But that was the professed concern.

Well, Americans need not endure that dream anymore. GM yanked it after critics found it "among the most dangerous, anti-safety messages to be aired on national television in recent years."

Oh, c'mon, please. Who of us as a youngster in math class didn't dream of being elsewhere? And yet failed to become a runaway. Who aged way beyond 10 hasn't sat motionless on a freeway where rush hour never lives up to its name and imagined levitating the car to soar above the lights, lanes and congestion? It's a fantasy, a harmless release of thought during an attempted commute.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on September 4, 2004 - 7:57am :: Seen online