Now THAT'S what I'm talking about III

The Black Commentator notes the slimy radio ads certain Black(face) Republicans are targeting Black communities with are being challenged by real, issues-based ads.

The ads skillfully focus audience attention on the race-based character of Bush’s policies and popular base, in hard-edged, straightforward language. Some key phrases:

"Bush said he would leave no child behind. But he wasn't talking about your child."

"Bush said prosperity was right around the corner, but he wasn't talking about the corners in your neighborhood."

"Bush has a plan for America. But you're not part of it."

Democrats are going “toe to toe” against a Republican campaign to pollute Black-oriented media, principally radio, with negative and voter suppression ads in key “battleground” states, say officials at the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The official Democratic counterattack has been hugely reinforced by multibillionaire George Soros’s independent “527” outfit, The Media Fund, which will spend $5 million on Black-oriented media between now and election day. The Media Fund has already spent $43 million on ads with themes ranging from “Ohio Outsourced” to “No Oil Company Left Behind,” “Bush and Halliburton” and “It’s About Jobs.”

According to Clifford Franklin, president of St. Louis-based The Fuse, the agency that created the Black ads, the Soros-financed media campaign is “aimed particularly at those who have an extremely cynical view of the political process" – that is, African Americans between the ages of 18 and 35. The message: "Don't keep getting played"

LATER: Waveflux has more from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Posted by Prometheus 6 on September 16, 2004 - 9:22am :: Politics | Race and Identity

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TrackBack from Waveflux:

Via Prometheus 6, word of sharp new political ads from right here in River City, taking the fight to Bush in black neighborhoods across the country. Sweet. The ads skillfully focus audience attention on the race-based character of Bush’s policies......

Posted by  Waveflux (not verified) on September 16, 2004 - 2:29pm.

I know Cliff Franklin, the brother who runs the company creating these ads, FUSE Marketing, in St. Louis, MO. They're young, smart, aggressive, progressive, and making a hell of a name for themselves. Getting this account is a big deal for them, and they clearly did themselves proud. Contrast this to the WHITE folks responsible for the ad for the Repubs: typical blackface b.s.

Posted by  fullnelson (not verified) on September 17, 2004 - 2:19pm.