Classic spinCheck this from the

Classic spin

Check this from the NY Times:

Up to 30,000 Troops From a Dozen Nations to Replace Some G.I.'s in Iraq

WASHINGTON, June 18 ? Between 20,000 and 30,000 allied troops from more than a dozen nations will begin arriving in Iraq in mid-August to replace some of the American forces leading the military occupation there, Pentagon officials said today.

"Up to" in the headline made me suspicious. Tec hnically, it would be true is the only six guys and a bomb-sniffing dog got rotated home.

How many American troops will remain in Iraq depends largely on the security situation there and how many other nations ultimately send forces, officials said.

… "We have about 20,000 additional coalition troops that have been volunteered by countries to go to theater within the next 60 to 90 days," General Pace said. He said discussions were under way with another unidentified country to provide 10,000 troops.

Do we remember who was in the coalition? Does this give us great confidence?

Do we recognize that, as masters of spin (formally known as liars) they could easily send 20,000 American troops and and call them coalition forces? I mean, isn't that what they called American troops while we were still at war? Not that I can see claiming the war is over with a death per day among the "coalition forces."

Under the Pentagon's current plans, there would be two or three divisions of allied forces, each made up of 10,000 to 14,000 troops. Britain would lead one division, which would also include troops from countries like Denmark and the Netherlands.
What the hell does "countries like" mean? Seriously. Why can't they just say which countries they're talking about?

The allied forces would be a mix of combat troops and reconstruction specialists. The 380 Danish troops, for example, would include a light reconnaissance squadron, a civil affairs unit, mine-clearing experts and special operations forces.
Not that I'm complaining, since mine-clearing experts are an unalloyed Good Thing, but how many "countries like" Denmark before we could honestly state the 10,000 strong division isn't just a British force with exchange students?

Poland has committed 2,300 troops to its division, which Mr. Wolfowitz said today would also include forces from Ukraine, Spain, Honduras and El Salvador.
Ah, I grow more confident.

Administration officials met recently with the Turkish foreign ministry's second-ranking official, who offered relief aid and other assistance, as well as 1,200 to 1,800 troops. "Turkey is eager now to assist us in the reconstruction of Iraq," Mr. Wolfowitz said. "That's just one example of a country that has begun to move in our direction."
They certainly have… The direction being toward preemptive violence.

Let's get real. Turkey wants to make sure the Kurds are kept in check. This is NOT a humanitarian mission on their part by any stretch.

To tell the truth, I wasn't going to write about this article until I read the above.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/19/2003 08:08:12 AM |

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