When Michelle Malkin complains about a Republican tactic, you KNOW it's really bad

by Prometheus 6
September 24, 2004 - 11:08pm.
on Politics | Religion

Steve Clemons of The Washington Note has posted a copy of an RNC mailing that says Democrats will ban Bibles if they win.

Renee at The Village Gate says:

No one has taken away their Bibles yet--so they should have heard of this:
Exodus 20:16-18 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

So, another nutty, desperate, fear-mongering plea from radical
Republicans. How will we respond? There is plenty of discussion on this
matter already, so I will offer one humble suggestion...

Can we please, as liberals, progressives,
Democrats, or whatever it is we are calling ourselves (when it comes
down to it, people who want Bush out of office) stop playing into these
people's hands? Can we start reminding people of the important role religious progressives played in the civil rights movement? And that it was a Baptist minister, Francis Bellamy, who wrote the original Pledge of Allegiance--the one that did not contain the words "under God"? And that Barry Lynn, the Executive Director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ?

Me, I'm going to say some stuff that will likely insult a number of folks.

<set mode="Chaos Lord" state="on" />
As I understand things, the effort to make it impossible to do anything outside the rules of a Christian faith is a spiritual error and against the will of God.

That is something the Supreme Being Itself never did—I don't care what name you call it by or what Attributes you believe it has. Free will has always been left intact because compelled faith isn't faith at all.

When Saul of Tarsus because St. Paul and went on his evangelist mission, did he foment political revolution or spiritual revolution?

Understand this: The world was created such that sin is possible. That was the choice made by your God. And the task It put before you was to transform YOURSELF, to overcome YOUR sin, YOUR burden.

Understand this: if you eliminate the possibility of sin, you eliminate the possibility of your own overcoming.
<set mode="Chaos Lord" state="off" />

Frankly, you Religious Right types have been so blindly selfish and aggressive that I really don't care if you overcome or not. But you might fool some folks who aren't fooled yet.