Oh, it MUST be on

by Prometheus 6
September 27, 2004 - 7:09pm.
on Politics

The Corsair has not one, but TWO political posts. Long ones. On the same day.

Biden Versus Holbrooke: Quien Es Mas Macho

It looks like a Foggy Bottom Smackdown is blowing our way, and you might have to duck for cover, as leaks -- "not for attribution," of course -- are the traditional weaponry of statesmen-wannabe's in our endlessly fascinating democratic pageant.

Granted, of course, that Kerry wins the Presidency is not a foregone conclusion at this point, but already NBC Correspondent and connoisseur of power, Andrea Mitchell, on the Chris Matthews Show's "Tell Me Something I Don't Know" segment, speculates -- either Senator Joe Biden or Richard Holbrooke will be Kerry's pick at Foggy Bottom.

Of Holbrooke, who so perfectly cultivates the inevitable air of his ascendant regency at Foggy Bottom -- The Corsair just likes saying "Foggy Bottom", Nicholas Von Hoffman wrote in Spy in May 90:

He got all links and stuff in there, and he actually tells you what Nicholas Von Hoffman wrote in Spy in May 90.

In the second, he offers advice to the Kerry team:

As a Gemini, and thus a man concerned with rhetoric, I'd like to offer some advice, much of it covered by the Talking Heads on Sunday, to Team Kerry:

1) Sharp, crisp lines and sentences -- short, declarative sentences, nothing labyrinthine; eschew the labarynthine. Speak in topic sentences, Kerry, please.[P6: Agreed]

2) Attack on The Saudi Royals. The Administration is very weak on this issue, it is personal with the Bushies[P6: eh…], which leads me to:

3) Bush has a temper. Play with it. Only one who has a mighty will can suppress their temper. The Corsair does not believe that The President is such a man. Keep on the Saudi Royals, a legitimate target, as the debate is on foreign policy, and that famed Dubya temper might flame on.[P6: Totally disagree. Bush flubs every attempt to ad lib a bit of sympathy (OB-GYNs sharing their love). He is most eloquent when threatening to bomb someone. I think frustrated rather than angry is the thing. Besides, if Kerry tries to piss Bush off it will be noticed—the only thing worse than that would be for him to try and fail. It would only take a smidgen of oxy-contin.]

4) Do not attempt humor in any instance, Kerry, it will not work, you are not funny; instead, go after the jocular; mention the Roy Jones, Jr. knockout, or the NFL game, or Survivor, something pop culture, but not too funny, like Avril kicking someone in the box or the Britney nups.[P6: Agreed]

That's my advice right now.