Yeah, it's definitely on

by Prometheus 6
September 27, 2004 - 8:31pm.
on Politics

My daughter is on Live Journal, into the Harry Potter fan fiction community (which, like dwarfs the political blogging community…I strongly suggest anyone that wants to get famous by blogging go there and write slash).

Apparently there's been some political discussion at Hogwarts.

Now, I'm not even allowed to visit the kid's blog but since this post managed to draw in folks outside her usual circle I was allowed to read it. Still not allowed to link, though.

I should never, ever go around Livejournal reading people's political posts.  It makes me want to stab the world  in the face.  There's a huge thing over on Fandom Wank about it, although I actually found out about it through wayfairer's Livejournal this morning, and the parade of posts that led from one to another after that.

I don't like to talk about politics here, and so generally avoid doing so, because politics suck.  However, at this time I am irritated enough to go ahead and say:

  • Bush is dangerous.

  • Anyone who would attempt a constitutional amendment to remove rights rather than supply or define them is not someone I want running the goddamned country even if they have no chance whatsoever of getting that legislation through.  It's the mindset that troubles me more than his chances for success.

  • The United States would not be in a situation where national security is such a big fucking problem if it weren't for its sticking its oversized arse in where it doesn't belong to begin with, and thus pissing off the entire world.  Keeping Bush in power will not help the root of the problem, and in fact will just make it worse because he's even more into sticking his oversized arse in where it doesn't belong than previous administrations have been.

  • This is not supposed to be a theocracy.  Any president knows this.  Bush, by imposing his religious standards upon the rest of
    the country, is violating the very spirit of the government.  That is not fucking okay.  I am a hardcore atheist, but if we had an atheist president, and he started to make decisions based not on the welfare of the country but on his personal (lack of) beliefs, I wouldn't want that bastard in power either, because the point
    isn't whether you share someone's spirituality/religion/etc, but whether they're letting their spirituality/religion/etc interfere with or dictate their agenda.

  • Furthermore, if there is an issue in this world more important than human rights, I don't know what it is.  Anyone who brings the subject up specifically to say "let's not have them!"  needs to be removed from power.  Quickly.

  • And finally

  • Anyone who thinks their support of Bush is offensive to others because BNFs disagree with them rather than because of Bush's politics needs a major readjustment regarding the place of fandom in their world. 

No, Kerry's not perfect, but better to take a chance with someone else than go with someone I know for a fact sucks the big one.

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