For you Cynthia Tucker fans

For you Cynthia Tucker fans out there

Midnight madness. Editor pulls cartoon.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution early Tuesday pulled from its Web site a Mike Luckovich cartoon severely critical of Gov. Sonny Perdue. The decision to withdraw the drawing by the Pulitzer Prize winning Luckovich seems to confirm that Republican Perdue is enjoying a lengthy honeymoon with the big Atlanta media.

So why did Tucker pull this particular cartoon altogether? According to Luckovich the decision was made ?out of deference to The Office of The Governor.? Tucker says the cartoon is ?unfairly harsh and unduly disrespectful?. Many Georgians have voiced similar criticism of Gov. Perdue?s policy on the flag. To be clear, Luckovich told the Georgia Reporter, this decision was not made because Tucker held Perdue himself in high regard, but rather to respect the Governor?s office as an institution. It is hard to tell how Cynthia Tucker truly feels about the cartoon. Tucker explicitly and eloquently opposes Perdue?s referendum, yet she thinks a cartoon obviously criticizing this same policy is ?unfairly harsh??

posted by Prometheus 6 at 4/17/2003 06:53:52 PM |

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 17, 2003 - 6:53pm :: Old Site Archive