I'm sorry, but this is much more important than the debate

This sucks. The people who would refuse this man a new trial in the face of such evidence suck. The people who appointed such bastards are themselves bastards and suck such suckage as to inspire deep envy from vacuum cleaner engineers and hookers worldwide. These Republican judges are suckdom's the Weapon of Mass Destruction.

How is this any different than what Saddam Hussein was accused of?

If this man is put to death, there are eight Republican judges that I call accessories to murder.

I don't want to hear shit from Republicans about "judicial activism." Not when bastards like these are appointed. Not when they value the chance to make a political statement over a human life.

An Inexplicable Vote for Death

Paul Gregory House was convicted of murdering a neighbor in 1985, before the era of DNA typing. The Tennessee jury that found him guilty was told that the semen found on the body of the neighbor, Carolyn Muncey, matched his blood type. The jury, citing the fact that Mrs. Muncey had been raped, said Mr. House should be sentenced to death.

It's hard to believe that the jurors would have come to that conclusion if they had known that the semen's DNA matched that of Mrs. Muncey's husband, Hubert, not the defendant. A 15-judge United States Court of Appeals panel in Cincinnati that heard a request to reopen the case knew that. Yet the judges recently voted, 8 to 7, that Mr. House should neither be freed nor given a new trial. They were not swayed by six witnesses implicating Mr. Muncey. Two said Mr. Muncey had told them he had killed his wife while he was drunk.

That eight judges would condemn a man to be executed under these circumstances is shocking. What's worse is that the judges divided along partisan lines. The eight judges appointed by a Republican president voted to keep Mr. House on the road to the death penalty. Six judges appointed by a Democrat wanted to free him, and the seventh called for a new trial. It's hard to dismiss the thought that the Republicans voted as a show of support for capital punishment, not on the merits of the case.

For Mr. House, the next stop is the Supreme Court. For the rest of us, his case should serve as a reminder that when we elect a president, we are also deciding the makeup of our courts.

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on October 9, 2004 - 8:27am :: News | Politics | Random rant

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Posted by  DarkStar (not verified) on October 9, 2004 - 2:26pm.

This is a function of the Republican's boner for death.

I really wish that Kerry would hammer Bush on his lust for executions and overall worship of a culture of death, at the same time he's saying that every blastocyst is sacred. I was SO hoping that one of the questions last night would be, "Mr. President, how do you reconcile in your mind your "pro-life" views with the over one thousand American soldiers and tens of thousands of civilians who are the casualties of your war in Iraq?"

Posted by  Jill (not verified) on October 9, 2004 - 3:58pm.

TrackBack from ISOU:

How low will some people go, and will they get away with it? I say go ahead and air it, back to back with F 9/11. Looks like I am on Trial again... LOL! This time, I have proof of......

Posted by  ISOU (not verified) on October 9, 2004 - 6:20pm.

Incredible! Hopefully, the supreme court will intervene.

Posted by  Ray on October 9, 2004 - 7:09pm.

could someone please send me a list of the
republican judges names? i would really
appreciate it.
thanx, sarah

Posted by  sarah (not verified) on October 28, 2004 - 1:44pm.

There are twenty two judges sitting in the sixth circuit.


I haven't sorted by political party yet. I was waiting for the election to be over to raise this issue again.

This thing has been going on for a while. This same sicth circuit sent5 the case back to the Tennessee Supreme Court, which "respectfully declines to answer the certified questions."

Posted by  Prometheus 6 on October 28, 2004 - 4:01pm.