Prometheus 6 InvestigatesMedia star and

by Prometheus 6
June 26, 2003 - 12:23pm.
on Old Site Archive

Prometheus 6 Investigates

Media star and Fox Network totem Michael Savage has been threatening to sue websites that mock him, his attitudes and positions, his name, what he had for lunch or his choice of ties. It stuck us here at Prometheus 6 odd that he wouldn't recognize the "any publicity is good publicity" truism. It seemed odd he'd seek less exposure. His recent ratings seem to reflect this strange-in-a-media-star tendency as well.

It struck us he was hiding something, that he feared greater exposure might expose him to some horror from his past. So naturally, we start digging. We discovered he had two name changes, the second of which was the well-known change from Weiner to Savage. The first was to drop his middle name and change the first from Oscar to Michael.

We attempted to contact his agent to give him a chance to rebut this report, but received no reply.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 6/26/2003 12:23:47 PM |