I think I want to find the transcript of the "offending" speech

Citing July Speech, I.R.S. Decides to Review N.A.A.C.P.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 - The Internal Revenue Service has begun reviewing the tax-exempt status of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, citing concerns over a speech given by its chairman, Julian Bond, at its annual convention last July in Philadelphia.

In a letter dated Oct. 8 and released Thursday, the I.R.S. told the association it had received information that Mr. Bond conveyed "statements in opposition of George W. Bush for the office of presidency" and specifically that he had "condemned the administration policies of George W. Bush in education, the economy and the war in Iraq."

The letter reminded the association that tax-exempt organizations are legally barred from supporting or opposing any candidate for elective office.

Mr. Bond's speech on July 11 included a long section that sharply criticized the Republican Party, Mr. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for their positions on an array of issues important to black Americans.

In an interview Thursday, Mr. Bond defended his remarks, saying they focused on policy, not politics.

"This is an attempt to silence the N.A.A.C.P. on the very eve of a presidential election," he said. "We are best known for registering and turning out large numbers of African-American voters. Clearly, someone in the I.R.S. doesn't want that to happen."

He added, "It's Orwellian to believe that criticism of the president is not allowed or that the president is somehow immune from criticism."

Posted by Prometheus 6 on October 29, 2004 - 4:47am :: Politics | Race and Identity

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I know the NY Times article mentions the NAACP convention speech, but I think the one that really got the Bushies mad was the one Bond made at the Take Back America conference just a little before that. I linked to it here.

You may have already checked and found that the convention speech link on the NAACP site has died. They revamped (and much improved) the site, but it seems many of the links to substantive documents have gone away.

Posted by  Ben G. (not verified) on October 29, 2004 - 1:30pm.


I just read the pdf of the convention speech you sent me (thanks for that). Maybe the speech at Take Back America is what set them off because the convention speech is only offensive if criticism is offensive.

The NAACP site changes caught me by surprise. I hadn't been by there in a while.

Posted by  Prometheus 6 on October 29, 2004 - 7:34pm.