Yes I've been quieter than usual

by Prometheus 6
October 31, 2004 - 5:36pm.
on Politics

I get the feeling the events of the next three days have already happened, they're just waiting for us to get to where they are. I get the feeling that John Kerry wins, and George Bush's backers will blame all the minority outreach for losing them key support from the "mainstream."

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Submitted by DarkStar on October 31, 2004 - 11:02pm.

If Kerry wins, you will be correct.

Submitted by (not verified) on November 1, 2004 - 3:54pm.

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great news: Judges Bar Party Challengers at Ohio Polls Kos rounds up some cases (some featured here) of GOP voter suppression, including cut telephone lines, misleading fliers, and more. So much for free and fair elections... snort: Stunning Development Shows Success of Bush Strategy joshuah bearman: GOP agit-prop in Florida key thought from Prometheus 6: I get the feeling the events of the next three days have already happened, they're just waiting for us to get to where they are. I get…...

Submitted by memer (not verified) on November 1, 2004 - 8:13pm.

I think this is one of those times in history when even the whole earth slows its rotation, gathering strength for the shitstorm about to blow through.