What amuses me is, Bush supporters actually think they know what they are supporting

Psst. President Bush Is Hard at Work Expanding Government Secrecy

…President Bush's antipathy to open government continues to garner only a trivial level of attention compared with the pressing matters that seem to be engaging the country at the moment, including, in no particular order, the Red Sox, Iraq, terrorism, taxes and the mysterious iPod-size bulge visible under the back of Mr. Bush's suit jacket at the first debate. But the implications for a second term are ominous.

Beyond undermining the constitutional system of checks and balances, undue secrecy is a proven formula for faulty White House decision-making and debilitating scandal. If former President Richard Nixon, the nation's last chief executive with a chronic imperial disdain for what Justice Louis Brandeis famously called the disinfecting power of sunlight, were alive today, I like to think he'd be advising Mr. Bush to choose another role model.

As detailed in a telling new Congressional report, Mr. Bush's secrecy obsession - by now a widely recognized hallmark of his presidency - is truly out of hand.

The 90-page report, matter-of-factly titled "Secrecy in the Bush Administration," was released with little fanfare in September by Representative Henry Waxman of California, the ranking Democrat on the House Committee on Government Reform, and one of the most outspoken critics of the Bush administration's steady descent into greater and greater secrecy. The objective was to catalog the myriad ways that President Bush and his appointees have undermined existing laws intended to advance public access to information, while taking an expansive view of laws that authorize the government to operate in secrecy, or to withhold certain information.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on November 1, 2004 - 12:45am :: Politics

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Ya gotta read John Dean's book "Worse than Watergate." He's got a chapter on this administration's secrecy and how they are subverting the chain of command in the "shadow government" or "Armaggedon Plan" and only cycling right wingers who aren't in line to go, into and out of the shadow government that is supposed to protect the government in case of nuclear war. It is very alarming. Looks like, if there was a worst case scenario, only right wing Repugs have been going underground and would go underground and emerge as the nation's government.

Posted by  sagefox (not verified) on November 1, 2004 - 5:11pm.

You could just wander around The Memory Hole for a while to understand how secretive this administration is.

Posted by  Prometheus 6 on November 2, 2004 - 12:14am.