One more post election point

Reding trackbacks and such I got to this post at a small victory.

Michele writes reasonably and well. Sadly, because she is so reasonable, I have to conclude she is NOT representative of the Bush administration. Worse, this:

What does the (presumed) election of George Bush mean to you, as a member of the left? It means you and your party have four years to get yourselves together and figure out exactly what you stand for. It means you have a couple of years, max, to come up with a viable candidate who represents the majority of you and doesn't pander to every knock off group of your party.

reminds me a lot of how the USofA promotes methods for "developing nations" that bear ABSOLUTELY NO RESEMBLANCE to the history of our own development. "[Pandering] to every knock off group of your party" is exactly the method the Neocons used to come to power. Pander verbally and dispose of them when you've got your hands on the levers of power (and I hope every Log Cabin Republican feels most singularly stupid this day).

Posted by Prometheus 6 on November 3, 2004 - 11:02am :: Politics