The Pharisees speak

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on November 10, 2004 - 1:56pm.
on Religion

Most of you religious folks are being excluded by the leaders of the Religious Right. You too are on the wrong side of things as far as they are concerned.


Moderates, Liberals Hear Call to Morality Debate
Some Christians say conservatives should focus on issues such as poverty -- not just gay marriage and abortion.
By Larry B. Stammer
Times Staff Writer

November 10, 2004

…"The mainline Protestants, who are now the sideline Protestants, and the secularists like John Kerry were the dominant force in 1960s America," Richard Land, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, said last week. "Their day is over. Ours has arrived."[P6: emphasis added]

About 22% of all voters said their primary concerns were "moral issues," eclipsing the economy and the war in Iraq. More than half of Bush's voters cited moral issues as the chief reason they voted for him, eclipsing other issues, including terrorism and the economy, according to a Times exit poll.

A poll released Tuesday by the Barna Group, which does polling for religious groups, found that born-again Christians voted for Bush over Kerry by a 62%-to-38% margin. The poll also found that although the "born-again" population constituted 38% of Americans, it represented 53% of the votes cast in the election.