Symbolic gesturesIn this age of

Symbolic gestures

In this age of choosing an action not only to have a specific effect but to "send a mesage," this issue is more important than many non-Black folks suspect (or will admit to).

Georgia has New State Flag?For Now

Special to the NNPA)?Georgia lawmakers have reached a compromise over the controversial state flag that bears the Confederate symbol, and redesigned the banner to display a less divisive symbol.

But it may not be a permanent solution. A statewide referendum in March 2004 will allow voters to decide if the flag stays. The state Senate now must approve the compromise flag.

The new design comes from Rep. Bobby Franklin, a conservative Republican. He was once a strong supporter of the Confederate battle emblem. However, in a recent speech to the state Rules Committee, he had changed his mind.

Franklin repeatedly cited biblical passages and said the rebel ?X? has been ruined forever by White supremacists.
?Can?t you honor heritage in a manner that?s not offensive?? Franklin asked.

A statewide referendum initially was proposed by Gov. Sonny Perdue shortly after his upset victory last November.

Black legislators protested for six hours claiming that if the new design is not approved by the state senate, an additional referendum will be held in which voters would choose between a design dominated by the Confederate symbol or an earlier flag.

?You deserted me today, both Democrats and Republicans. You deserted me today,? said Stan Watson, a Black Democrat from Decatur. ?I thought we were friends; you should have asked me how I felt.?

In 2001 the legislature voted to shrink the Confederate battle emblem on the state flag, which had been added in 1956 after the federal government ordered public schools to desegregate.

posted by Prometheus 6 at 4/18/2003 12:23:22 PM |

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on April 18, 2003 - 12:23pm :: Old Site Archive