Sound like anyone you know?

via Oliver Willis:

MALKIN’S OUT: Sometime back, Molly Ivins was dropped as a regular on The Pilot’s op-ed page for being “too stridently anti-Bush,” to quote Hartig’s e-mail letter to Lilley.

Michelle Malkin had been added, giving another voice to the conservatives. But readers often took issue with her seemingly mean-spirited rantings and suggested that she be dropped.

Well, she’s outta here, silenced for being “too stridently anti-liberal,” the assessment of the editorial board, Hartig said.

“I was really put off by her penchant for name-calling and ad hominem attack. I think we can do much better,” said editorial writer Don Luzzatto.

Says fellow editorial writer Bronwyn Lance Chester: “I think she habitually mistakes shrill for thought-provoking and substitutes screaming for discussion. She’s an Asian Ann Coulter.

“I also think that, like Coulter, she says outrageous things just to get TV appearances and book deals. She’s the worst of what’s wrong with punditry today. She adds absolutely nothing to genuine political discourse.”

Hopefully it's the start of a trend.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on November 22, 2004 - 12:21pm :: Seen online