Obviously I'm wasting my time

Kevin Drum

IS OUR ADULTS LEARNED?....In a recent Gallup survey, only 35% of Americans said they believed evolution was "a scientific theory well-supported by evidence." The other 65% either disagreed or weren't sure. Depressing, isn't it?

Maybe so, but on the scale of human ignorance, is it really that bad? After all, according to an NSF survey done in 2001, 25% of Americans think the sun goes around the earth. That's depressing.

Abiola at Foreign Dispatches is right

I do think it's telling just how little people manage to retain of the science they learned in school, and I offer it as more ammunition in support of the contention that what schools ought to most concentrate on is teaching the capacity to think critically, not a Gradgrindian stuffing of students' heads full of facts they'll forget soon afterwards.

But can you imaging the negative impact on the economy universally applied critical thought would have?

Posted by Prometheus 6 on November 23, 2004 - 8:04am :: Seen online

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The people who deny the reality of evolution are a good example of evolution's dead-enders.

Posted by  Michael Miller (not verified) on November 23, 2004 - 5:44pm.