Sorry, dawg, can't get your back this time

by Prometheus 6
November 25, 2004 - 9:41am.
on Politics | Race and Identity

I happened to read Baldilocks before Solotude today.

Black groupthink for Condi
Thoughts painted by Solomon in A Racial World.

Toshi and I were drinking our white grape juice tea (mmmm mmmm...) when we saw a short blurb about Condi Rice on CNN. My wife got that deep thought look on her face. When I see that look, I know she's about to drop some serious stuff about something. She and said the following:

I don't particularly care for Condi's views. You know how much I hate the two-party system but Solo, I would vote for that woman in a heartbeat if she ran in 2008. I would register as a Republican, baby. The importance of having a black person and woman to boot, in the Oval Office trumps all my views. (emphasis mine)

And you know what? I would do the same and wouldn't apologize for it. My own mother and two sisters have said the same thing. All with the same reason as my wife. I wonder how my other black folks would do the same? Wouldn't it be something to see Condi Rice win the presidency with 90% of the black vote? The news broadcasts would just fill up with analysts mentioning groupthink. And you'll get a proud "HELL YEAH!" from me.

Solo is a race man, so I understand this. Baldilocks is NOT a race woman, but I understand her approval, and understand its basis is not that on which Solo made his decision…which decision is wrong anyway, in my opinion.

Symbolism be damned, look at the woman's positions and allegiances. She should not be supported because she's Black, she should be opposed because she's fucked up. We've been accepting symbolic gestures for way too long.