I was going to call this stupid

But you know what?

Some Thoughts on Bigotry Commentary by Martin Kelly
November 24, 2004

This column abhors all discrimination against black people, women and homosexuals on account of colour, gender or sexuality.

However, it also denies the existence of concepts called ‘racism’, ‘sexism’ and ‘homophobia.’

The words ‘racism’, ‘sexism’ and ‘homophobia’ are rooted in Marxist thought. As a life-long anti-Marxist, one cannot endorse or approve of anything that started as a Marxist construct designed to ensure Marxism’s ascendancy by creating divisions.

There is a very much more suitable and ancient word to describe those who despise black people, women and homosexuals on account of colour, gender or sexuality. That word is ‘bigot’, and common humanity, not Marxist political correctness, should at all times inform the conservative to disavow and shun bigots.

As long as you don't deny the actual existence of the problems or the need to address them, then if I sweat you over your choice of terminology, I'm being as silly as you are.

The reason I was going to call it stupid is I don't want bigotry defined as the intersection of the three manifestations but as their union.And I don't want folks feeling every anti-bigotry gesture must address the full union; I don't want people to forget that by reducing the size of one of the union's components you reduce the size of the union. And I want people to understand that reducing the size of component A can reasonably be seen as a neutral event by members of population B…and excessive insistence to the contrary may be seen as a hostile gesture.

And I was going to call it stupid because racism, sexism and homophobia manifest in different ways, on different levels…the concepts are rooted in manifest existence. And both sexism and homophobia, being based on physical differences of significance, have a more ancient, venerable history than racism…which was assembled. Their different origins and natures make different concepts more than appropriate. It makes them necessary.

However, as I said, if you really like this particular conflation I'm not going to be as silly as you. If the words 'racism', 'sexism' and 'homophobia' sets your knee jerking we can talk 'bigotry' instead. But I will frequently specify racial bigotry, sex bigotry, anti-gay bigotry.

Because I know what I mean to say.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on November 27, 2004 - 12:44am :: Race and Identity

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Another reason to call this writer's comments stupid is because of his insistence on not using any words or terminology derived from what he calls "Marxist thought." I don't think this writer has an appreciation or understanding of how many social analysts and critical thinkers of the right and left, owe a debt of gratitude, regardless of whether they agree or disagree with Marx, to his critique of the role of labor, work and capital. Marx, whatever his analytical failures or personal shortcomings, is an essential part of the Western canon of philosophical and political economic thinking. One can vault over him, go around him or burrow underneath him but no one who is serious about understanding the modern world and how it came into existence can ignore Marx. Do these so-called conservatives truly believe that their thinking and the world it attempts to describe is called into being ab ovo? These folks, I suspect, are only serious in their nearly messianic zeal to rewrite and revise history. If left to their own devices they'll eventually have folks believing that Africans actually purchased tickets to make the Middle Passage. This may be a harsh judgment but it is no less delusional than the Democratic Leadership Council's belief that John Kerry could be elected president of the United States.

Posted by  PTCruiser on November 27, 2004 - 10:57am.

what PTCruiser said.

i don't recall seeing any of those three buzzwords in The Communist Manifesto -- maybe i should re-read it again just to make sure. my suspicion is that they don't occur anywhere at all in political writing until a generation after it was written.

of course, as with many of the so-called disciplines, it's altogether too easy to BE read than to HAVE read...

i can't tell you the number of capitalists with MBAs who have told me that C.M. is the most important book on historical economics they have read.

Posted by  r@d@r (not verified) on November 27, 2004 - 12:38pm.

It's sillytalk. If buddy wants to eliminate 'ism' from the vocab on account of its power to change folk into Communists (gasp), buddy, knock yourself out.  Bigotry manifests itself in a number of ways.  If he prefers a multi-syllabic thing like sexual-bigotry or racial-bigotry or wotever, buddy, go nuts.

Posted by  memer (not verified) on November 27, 2004 - 7:26pm.

Karl Marx didn't employ any of those terms but the writer's point was that they were derived from certain categories of thought based on Marx's analysis of history and economics as interpreted by people who either have identified themselves as Marxist or claim to be influenced by his constructs.

Posted by  PTCruiser on November 27, 2004 - 9:18pm.

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