This is why I didn't register and just kept hanging up on the fools

Loophole would let messages penetrate Do Not Call list
November 27, 2004


WASHINGTON -- The agency overseeing the national Do Not Call Registry is considering opening a loophole in the year-old program to allow companies to deliver ''pre-recorded message telemarketing.''

The Electronic Privacy Information Center, a Washington-based privacy watchdog, says the change could result in the 64 million people on the list being bombarded by ''answering-machine spam'' and other unwanted voices on voice mail.

''Even those enrolled in the Do Not Call Registry will be affected by the proposed loophole,'' the group said.

The Federal Trade Commission said it does not think the change would have any dramatic results.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on November 28, 2004 - 2:56am :: Seen online