This Week on ABC

This is weird.

On intelligence reform bill, Sensenbrenner is holding out for immigrant drivers licenses expiring when their visas expire. But only 10-12 states? And Lieberman says he's convinced Bush wants the bill as the Senate presented it to pass.

All I know is, they're set up to do nothing.

On religion
Gary Baur: "I believe if you put strict constructionists on the Supreme Court, we can overturn Roe vs. Wade." And he has to drag out the "cultural elite" crap when Rev. Floyd Flake mentioned the actual moral issues (though Rev. Flake was wrong in saying Black folks see little separation between church and state.). Gary wants to be ruler of the world.

The one guy with the toupee isn't very useful, but Tony Campolo is an intelligent evangelical.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on November 28, 2004 - 4:39am :: War