Freudian slips on Meet the Press

by Prometheus 6
November 30, 2004 - 2:25pm.
on Religion

Said to Al Sharpton:

DR. FALWELL: To answer your question, Reverend, I do not think we have the right to impose our religious beliefs on people that disagree with you.

Be very clear what he's saying.

On the creator of Desperate Housewives:

DR. FALWELL: Well, the fact that he's a gay Republican means he should join the Democratic Party.

MR. RUSSERT: Conservative, gay Republican.

DR. LAND: Obviously a fiscally conservative gay Republican, not a socially. Not socially. Not socially.

Scariest statement possible from an Eveangelical (who by definition wants to convert everyone):

REV. SHARPTON: But at--I think that's important. But I think, Reverend, what you've got to do is convert people, not force them. If we were spending more time preaching the conversion, we wouldn't have to worry about...

DR. LAND: If we wanted to convert everyone, we wouldn't have the civil rights laws. When a critical mass of the society believes something is immoral and is imposing something on someone else...

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