Just stuff

There's something about the delirium that comes from a lack of sleep that makes me insanely productive. Or being insanely productive makes me unable to sleep. Fortunately it only happens in spurts.

I think I got enough of a grip on PHP4 to use it productively. PHP 5 is up though…

And Delphi 2005 is out. I need to upgrade, probably as a birthday present for myself. It's a Win32 and .Net development environment, and a C# environment as well…a move that quashed any concern I had they might abandon Object Pascal. Since Win XP's service pack 2 includes the .NET framework I lose all excuses to avoid C#. Oh, well…

My coding efforts are shifting back to the desktop because the website issues are coming down to configuration. One of the more annoying things about testing the vast number of scripts I've messed with over the last year was keeping all the administration methods straight. Drupal gave me the potential of running multiple sites from a single pile of code and and API I could grok immediately. But the multiple site thing took a leeeeeetle more shell skills than I possessed until, oh, two hours ago. Two separate installations that were almost identical was almost as bad as four-five totally different administrative UIs. If I got the grip I think I got, it gets interesting.

I'm now working on MTClient 2.0. So far version 1.60 has had over 375 downloads. I haven't actively promoted it because in my experience no software is seriously usable before version two. With WYSIWYG and raw HTML editing and post previewing (a request I still don't get), I think MTClient will qualify as seriously usable.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on December 1, 2004 - 5:01am :: Random rant

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