Well done

Now that you have the conclusion, read the analysis.

The Culture War in Alabama: A Theory

…So let me put it all together: The christian coalition and the republican party have been endoctrinating Alabama voters for months with this ridiculous clap-trap about judges and taxes, which actually has nothing to do with race. They know, though, when the rest of the country hears that Alabama wouldn't get rid of the racist language in its constitution, they'll assume, not unreasonably, that it's a purely race-related matter. They also know that there are many Southerners (and yes, Zell Miller is their poster boy) who resent being called racists by Yankees [sic].

So the christian coalition gets to make the blue states hate Alabama even more, because the blue states think Alabama is racist. Alabama will hate the blue states even more, because they're sick of the Yankees in New York telling them how to run their state. And who wins when there's a lot of anger and resentment in the air? The people that play politics with really emotional issues. The Christian Coalition, in a nutshell. They get to perpetuate the culture war, reinforce stereotypes, and make sure the possibly vulnerable Republican governor of Alabama has a easier time in '06 (is it '06? I might be wrong), maybe help keep the South solid in '08 for Guiliani or McCain, who might be having problems against Edwards.

It's all a big, and particularly well-executed, political strategy, folks.

To my friends on the right: your side is getting more and more dispicable. You people need to get a new image. Tell your strategists to stop killing your state if you live in Alabama, and to stop manipulating the national media if you don't. Tell them to be honest, and not make up this crap about taxes to intentionally make you look bad to the rest of the country. And to those of you who are still racists: fucking join the 20th century, ok? Then you can make your way towards the 21st.

To my friends on the left: don't let yourself get played by this dispicable republican ploy. They want you to say what you have the impulse to say. Calm down. Make yourself a stiff drink. Think before you start talking about the Confederacy and reconstruction. That was my first impulse too, but it's not the right solution. That the ballot initiative was defeated is outrageous. But shrillness is not the way to win this battle.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on December 3, 2004 - 6:38am :: Politics

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