
I need to review all the blog registration sites in the world.

Blogshares, with which I was never impressed because even when I first started blogging the idea of monetizing linkage struck me as a bizarre fantasy, has turned around and impressed me with what they've done with their immense database.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on December 6, 2004 - 5:01am :: Tech

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I quit Blogshares ages ago. I had no idea where they were going with their game. So, any idea how to get relisted in the database?

Posted by  KevinHayden (not verified) on December 6, 2004 - 11:12am.

There's a link on the front page of the Blogshares site. Plus they scan the changes.xml produced by weblogs.com, so you're already there.

I haven't figure out how to find what category anyone is in. I just used the site search.

Posted by  Prometheus 6 on December 6, 2004 - 12:21pm.

Hey Prometheus! Thanks for checking out QuackTrack, and for once again checking out BlogShares. We've been working hard to rebuild the database and the blog index, so the QT launch is quite a nice one for all of us at BS.

You can search for categories through the QT site, and by clicking on a blog's /B$ profile/, you can view what categories any specific blog is in.

The categorization of blogs is a complete community undertaking that integrates play at BlogShares with the building of the index. Most of the site's functions are staffed by player-volunteers such as myself, and we have enjoyed amazing support from the BlogShares admins.

Many of the blog names are wrong simply because weblogs.com reads some names incorrectly, and the BS spiders naturally copy that information into the database. We're still working on ways to improve this, but for now, it is all handled manually by site admins and index managers.

Cheers, again, and if you want, pop into the BlogShares IRC room at intrepid.wyldryde.net port 6667 and /join #blogshares.

--Island Dave

Posted by  Island Dave (not verified) on December 8, 2004 - 11:54pm.

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