Yup, trying it again.

The Niggerati Network is back. There's a long-ass overview of what the point of it all is, and this:

As terabytes of Internet flames will attest to, sometimes things are easier to present through an alter ego. Derrick Bell has Geneva Crenshaw. I have…or had…Alim Ra. I used this persona to express social, philosophical and religious explorations I was making in my thirties.

I still have all that stuff and they are still accurate representations of my views, though I've picked up more than a few nuances since then. So periodically I'll post one of his pieces. Today I give you an introduction. It WILL get hairier later.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on December 6, 2004 - 5:03pm :: Seen online

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With a picture of Zora?

Excellent start.

Posted by  Quaker in a Basement on December 6, 2004 - 9:33pm.

You want the truth, losing the previous start was a disapointment, and strictly due to operator error. By now it could have been configured exactly as the current setup is, plus have a lot of momentum, content-wise. Makes me a little bitter just thinking about it.

But at least now I have a way of keeping all my stuff coordinated. Managing one package with a bunch of plug-ins is a lot easier than several totally different packages.

Posted by  Prometheus 6 on December 6, 2004 - 11:18pm.

Interesting. And, of course, it's your site, you'll do what the hell you want to do, but, seeing as how you included Zora, I noticed no forums on gender/sexuality. Is there a reason? Just curious.

Posted by  Lexi (not verified) on December 7, 2004 - 1:45am.

Just provinciality on my part. I set up categories I feel qualified to express an opinion on. All my opinions on gender boil down to respecting what folks are and reacting to what they do.

Solid womanist and gay writers would be welcome. And since I just got an interesting article by email I've decided I'll review such and post them myself if the author doesn't want to register. Anonymous folks can submit what's called stories as well, which I'd prefer. I only have to approved them that way…stuff that comes by email I'm feeling compelled to play the editor.

I'm a reasonable guy.

Posted by  Prometheus 6 on December 7, 2004 - 2:00am.

Nice to know. If my ambition rises... LOL

Posted by  Lexi on December 9, 2004 - 12:15am.

Professor Kim was pitching in before I destroyed the last version. She's on hiatus now but I'm hoping she can give the site some direction.

Posted by  Prometheus 6 on December 9, 2004 - 12:38am.