In case you still use Java
It seems Java is getting its butt kicked on the web by LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySQL/Perl|PHP|Python) on the open source side and ASP.NET on the proprietary side.
However, there still a lot of it out there. So you might be interested to know Borland is giving away JBuilder 2005 Foundation. I can't find a press release for it but here's the download page.
JBuilder is a quality product and was the bulk of Borland's revenue for quite a while. They had a previous free "Foundation" version some two-three releases ago that was so compelling some corporations standardized on it, losing them sales. They gave up on that, trying a non-commercial license first (and how are you going to enforce that?) then dropping the Foundation thing altogether. This free version, which doesn't even require registration, says to me Java has lost the "big mo" to .NET, Mono on Linux and C#.