With friends like this Rumsfeld doesn't need enemies

DAVID BROOKS: No, listen. In times of war... snafus are invented in times of warfare. I'm not going to defend and say they were prepared or they're armored up as well as they can be, but the idea where we've never had a war where the equipment hasn't been unbelievably ill prepared in some way or another, that's just part of warfare. And surprises happen. This is something the U.S. military was unprepared for.

What Donald Rumsfeld is doing, by the way, and most of his life, is not running this war. It's not like the secretary of defense sits there and runs a war. What the secretary of defense spends most of his time this thing called the quadrennial review, which is planning for next war. What do we need? And I think one of the things Rumsfeld is doing and probably the reason he stayed is not because he's managing this war well, because he's in the middle of the quadrennial review preparing for the next war, preparing the military for the next war that will be like this one.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on December 10, 2004 - 6:23pm :: Politics

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