
Man, I though Steve was tough on Kerik. But if people follow Josh Marshall's coverage, Kerik should just leave town.

MINUTES LATER: I changed my mind. Steve is still the harshest.

The Dems were going to give him a pass for one simple reason: unvarnished, naked greed. They want more money for their cities. But no one knew all this shit existed in his background. Oh, the papers had an idea, but only Ray Kelly knew much of this was out there. What? The PD leaked this?

Come on, Kelly wouldn't piss on Kerik if he was on fire, as opposed to Giuliani, who he would toss another gallon of gas on. You don't think IAB had a thick assed file on him and his friends, collected in secret, if nowhere else? The contempt Kelly felt was visible and his silence was clear.


Because Kerik was on the fucking pad. That's why. You don't think the FBI mentioned to Kelly all of Kerik's mob friends? You don't think he wondered about the Taser deal? Kelly thought Kerik had used the PC's office to enrich himself and was using his former status on 9/11 to get even richer.

The next set of questions should follow the way Giuliani raised money after 9/11. Giuliani Partners was formed in the wake of that, and he loaded that charity with his friends. No one questioned why the mayor needed a personal charity. Now, since the cloak of 9/11 is finally being lifted, it's time for some hard questions about Kerik and his patron.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on December 13, 2004 - 9:02am :: Politics

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