I can tell this plan will be an abomination

by Prometheus 6
December 19, 2004 - 8:22am.
on War
Quote of note:
Among the ideas cited by Defense Department officials is the idea of "fighting for intelligence," or commencing combat operations chiefly to obtain intelligence.
Based on this idea I can see intelligence is not in use at all. Another quote of note:
One part of the overall proposal is being drafted by a team led by Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, a deputy under secretary of defense.
You remember General Boykin, don't you? If not, I got a quote from an acceptance speech Bill Moyers gave when receiving The Interfaith Alliance's Walter Cronkite Faith and Freedom Awards.
I keep a folder in my credenza marked "Holy War." It bulges with Shias and Sunnis in fratricidal conflict: teenaged girls in North Africa shot in the face for not wearing a veil, professors whose throats are cut for teaching male and female students in the same classroom, the fanatical Jewish doctor with a machine gun mowing down 30 praying Muslims in a mosque, Muslim suicide bombers bit on the obliteration of Jews, of the young Orthodox Jew who assassinated Yitzhak Rabin and then announced on CNN to the world that "Everything I did, I did for the glory of God," of Hindus and Muslims slaughtering each other in India, of Christians and Muslims perpetuating gruesome vengeance on each other in Nigeria. There is a large folder in my death marked "Timothy McVeigh," blowing up the Federal building in Oklahoma City killing 168 people in part as revenge against the U.S. Government for killing David Koresh and his followers. We didn't realize it at the time, but the first strike at New York's World Trade Center in 1993 was a religious act of terror. The second one in 9/11, claiming over 3,000 lives, was another act of religious terror. Meanwhile, groups calling themselves the Christian Identity Movement and the Christian Patriot League arm themselves, and Christians intoxicated with the delusional doctrine of two 19th-century itinerant preachers not only await the rapture, but believe they have an obligation to get involved politically to hasten the apocalypse that would bring to an end the world. Christians can invoke God for the purpose of waging religious war. Consider the American general who has turned up as a force in the web of command and action leading to the torture and humiliation of prisoners in Iraq. General William Boykin, you may recall, is the commander who lost 18 men in Somalia trying to capture a warlord in the notorious "Black Hawk Down" fiasco of 1993. He later described the conflict as a battle between good and evil. "I knew," he said, "that my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was the real God, and his was an idol." Boykin became a circuit writer for the religious right, actively in a group called the Faith Force Multiplier that advocates applying military principles to evangelism. Their manifesto summons warriors in, quote, "a spiritual battle for the souls of the nation and the world." Traveling the country with his slide show, while an active member of the United States military in uniform, General Boykin declares that, quote, "Satan wants to destroy this nation. He wants to destroy us as a nation, and he wants to destroy us as a Christian army." "The forces of satan will only be defeated," says the general, "if we come against them in the name of Jesus." You might have thought that kind of fatwa from a high military officer in uniform wearing the American insignia would have struck the powers that be in the Pentagon and White House as somewhat un-American, if not un-Christian, but not only has General Boykin been kept in office, he turned up as a principal in the chain of command leading to the Iraqi prison. It was Boykin who flew to Guantanamo and ordered Major General Jeffrey Miller, then in charge of prisoners at the highly secret Camp X-ray, to go to Iraq and extend the methods practiced at X-ray to the prison system there on orders of Secretary Rumsfeld. This is the same General Boykin who last June publicly announced that, quote, "George Bush was not elected by a majority of the voters. He was appointed by God."
Pentagon Seeks to Expand Role in Intelligence-Collecting By DOUGLAS JEHL and ERIC SCHMITT WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 - The Pentagon is drawing up a plan that would give the military a more prominent role in intelligence-collection operations that have traditionally been the province of the Central Intelligence Agency, including missions aimed at terrorist groups and those involved in weapons proliferation, Defense Department officials say. The proposal is being described by some intelligence officials as an effort by the Pentagon to expand its role in intelligence gathering at a time when legislation signed by President Bush on Friday sets in motion sweeping changes in the intelligence community, including the creation of a national intelligence director. The main purpose of that overhaul is to improve coordination among the country's 15 intelligence agencies, including those controlled by the Pentagon. The details of the plan remain secret and are evolving, but indications of its scope and significance have begun to emerge in recent weeks. One part of the overall proposal is being drafted by a team led by Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, a deputy under secretary of defense. Among the ideas cited by Defense Department officials is the idea of "fighting for intelligence," or commencing combat operations chiefly to obtain intelligence. The proposal also calls for a major expansion of human intelligence, which is information gathered by spies rather than by technological means, both within the military services and the Defense Intelligence Agency, including more missions aimed at acquiring specific information sought by policy makers.

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