The kind of thing you can do when you get paid to do it

You might want to add The Bush Beat to your RSS reader or blogroll or whatever. Myers and Rumsfeld fight chaos with chaos

Denying reality even as critically wounded U.S. soldiers were fighting for their lives in a German hospital after the Mosul bombing, General Dick "Quag" Myers acted this afternoon as if he were still on tour with his fellow USO celebrities.

There's no other explanation for the blatant lie the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told an assemblage of reporters at the Pentagon about yesterday's dining-hall bombing in Iraq:

Don't bullshit us, General. Don't lump together the Sunni resistance in Iraq—or the Shiite resistance to our occupying troops—with the Saudi hijackers who bombed New York City and the Pentagon.

It was clear from the performance of both Myers and SecDef Don Rumsfeld at the press briefing that they have no friggin' idea how to stanch the flow of U.S. blood. (They don't care about Iraqi blood; if you do, go to Iraq Body Count for the latest scores.)

Myers seems much more comfortable as a celebrity general on tour with the USO (see photos). It's astonishing that he and Rumsfeld still have their jobs.

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on December 23, 2004 - 6:37am :: For the Democrats