On The Chris Matthews Show

Tucker Carlson is actually a good observer

They discussed Barak Obama, with Matthews basically asking how Obama should establish himself in DC. Carlson (and Sam Donaldson, who just avoided the heart of it) suggested Obama "go against type" and establish himself in foreign policy, finance, ANYthing but race.

Sadly, that's a fair statement. Expertise on race is a secondary skill in American politics.

And he said the success of Gibson's movie wasn't about the movie being good or bad. People saw it as a talisman, a gesture to acknowledge their membership in a community. Dead on point, and it occurs to me much of George Bush's support is the same.

Sam Donaldson suggested there will be pressure on Colin Powell to change party and run for President in 2008. Hm.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on December 26, 2004 - 10:30am :: Politics

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Who would claim Powell? His son is a pigfeeder for corporate interests and nobody really cares for a WMD speech presentation to be re-enacted. The Dems had enough of John Kerry 's negatives being recycled over and over.

Of course Terry McAwful could recycle the corporate donations for Colin and pick another expected loss. The corporate donors then appear to be supporting someone against repubs when really they are endorsing a one party system in real time terms.

Powell compromised his principles to trumpet the Bush cabal war of blood-oil. He also sat aside when he could see from the outside looking in how poorly staged the occupation portion of the Oilraq venture was.

To say nothing against a wrong is in and of itself an implicit/complicit crime. To not speak of such policy, having been a former general with political clout and leverage, is a slap in the face to Shinseki, Shakishaievelli, Wes Clark, and mosr importantly the Eisenhower-Marshall doctrine.

Powell has been window dressing, wearing whiteface to become a scapegoat. Condie Rice, Dick Cheney, Exxon-PNAC are calling the shots.

Witness his failure in Afghanistan. Unocal's regional VP runs that country's 2 top posts and these fascists have the nerve to spout "democracy to the mid-east". This shame government, failure to win support on the ground, and alineation caused by profiling and targeting Islam in general rather than specific political factions have set us back decades.

See also nuclear proliferation in neighboring pakistan. The 'mushroom cloud' scenario was enabled by these things. See also the Plame outing that Powell has let occur without implying the nature and extent of damage it inflicted upon his politcal leverage.

He kind of deserves it for conceding his stance on affirmative action. One matter sold out, all of it follows. Powell's legacy as yes man will follow him to his grave. Anything he talks of upon his leave will be called sour grapes. Hope he enjoys his book royalties, he sold out any aspirations of human nobility of character in doing so.

Profiles in Cowardice- the cabinets faces of the Bush cabal.Powell should have supported John McCain from the start. Oh that's right he was a spin doctor more so than a soldier at the time, and ever so since.

Posted by  Mr.Murder (not verified) on December 27, 2004 - 1:56am.

That doesn't mean he can't be a successful political candidate, obviously.

Posted by  Prometheus 6 on December 27, 2004 - 12:15pm.

How is this for a yin-yang equivolency?

John Kerry retires to consult Theresa's son who become a leader in the repub party as a populist.

Powell adds more Democrat moxie to its percieved weakness of forgeign affairs.

Of course had coprorate boy Terry "Tifecta" McAwful chosen Wes Clark that would not have not occurred.

Powell is overkill, something already available in Clark, with far more negatives than Wes.

Posted by  Mr.Murder (not verified) on December 28, 2004 - 7:49am.