SixApart conquers the world?

I think SixApart and Joi Ito just made a move on AOL.

Six Apart Acquires LiveJournal

So, yes, the rumors were true. Six Apart did indeed acquireLiveJournal. We've assembled a number of links that should answer allthe questions and give you all the information you'd need.

First, we've got our press release announcing the acquisition, and a Frequently Asked Questions list which covers the basics.

Most people who are familiar with either company will probably prefer to read my Mena's Corner post and Brad's FAQ posted at LiveJournal, which discuss some of the same points, but also talk about the
motivations that inspired us to go forward with the acquisition. If you're a techie or a blog professional, you can look at the Professional Network introduction to LiveJournal.

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on January 6, 2005 - 7:58am :: Tech