I'm impressed

Shannon, who told me I screwed my server configuration yesterday, linked to a really long, really excellent post at Brutal Woman, that starts thus:

Madness Du Jour

I have a confession: I'm pretty nonplussed about the tsunami. 150,000 people dead, yea, so, 2 million died in Rwanda and nobody gave a fucking shit. 1 in 3 people in Southern Africa has HIV or AIDS, and the US is pushing abstinence-only programs there instead of condoms.

Whoop-dee-doo 150K dead.

Oh. Yea. That s right. White tourists were there! Poor white tourists, their cozy vacations were ruined!

Let me tell you a story, because I had to pull out this story to put it all back into perspective for me. Before I was writing here at Brutal Women, I was sending "updates" to my writing buddies a couple times a month. I dug this one out this morning, about one of the times me and some of the other U of Natal academics went to a neat little bar in Durban called Bean Bag for B s going-away-to-an-American-university party. So, let me channel my 22-year-old self and share:

And just...continues. Covering things other than you might expect.

When you have a few minutes, check it out. If you have more than a few minutes check out other stuff. Kameron, the blogger under discussion, is a clear thinker and skilled writer with a lot...a LOT...to say.