Much that is legal is unethical, immoral or just flat wrong

by Prometheus 6
January 14, 2005 - 7:40am.
on Economics

That said, having Step defend Fetchit is kind of a joke. I need not remind you Education Secretary Roderick R. Paige oversaw the school system in Texas that because the model and justification for No Child Left Behind Encie Elbie by lying.


Education Chief Defends Payments to Pundit
By Michael Dobbs
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, January 14, 2005; Page A04

Education Secretary Roderick R. Paige yesterday defended payments to a conservative black commentator to promote the No Child Left Behind law as a standard "outreach effort" to minority groups who stand to benefit most from the Bush administration's showcase education program.

Paige, the nation's first African American education secretary, said in a statement that he was deeply disturbed by the publicity surrounding the $240,000 contract. He announced an investigation by the Department of Education's inspector general to clear up any unresolved issues so as not to "sully the fine people and good name of this department."

A Senate Appropriations subcommittee overseeing education spending has asked the department to turn over records relating to the payments to Armstrong Williams, a conservative television personality, to plug the education law. The panel reminded the department of a federal ban on spending public money for "propaganda" purposes.

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