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I love stuff like this.

Judy Bachrach hit it out of the park, and the bullshit responses the anchor came up with were wonderful. When the anchor started a to Ms. Bachrach with "let me ask you this," Chris Rock flashed through my mind: "Can you kick MY ass?"

And when you're challenged about insufficient equipment for the troops and your response is, "We respect them; after all we prayed for them," it's pretty sad.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on January 19, 2005 - 9:27pm :: Media | War

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dear mrs. bachrach,

i am a citizen of the "old europe". i did read about your interview at the "spiegel online" - a german online news mag. i admire your point of view! so will your brave troops do. i think that one brave soldiers live fighting for his country is worth more than 40 million dollars. how much lives could have been saved with that money. this 40 millions are blood money. disgusting. thank you so much for your courage!


Posted by  christian (not verified) on January 21, 2005 - 1:40pm.

"Old Europe" Christian thinks Judy Bachrach is courageous. LOL that's like saying the French were courageous when the German troops came across the border in 1940. Better to surrender than fight for freedom. HAW HAW HAW!!!! Christian, you are as clueless as they come. Because all of "old europe" thinks like you, that's why the U.S. of Americal is the leader of democracy and freedom in the world. Just ask 80% of the Iraqi population who voted, what they think.

Posted by  Don Salamon (not verified) on February 6, 2005 - 3:20pm.

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