Random thoughts inspired by TV

Is anyone watching Lou Dobbs on CNN?

Is there like right wing rants against Dobbs? Because he really doesn't like what the Bush administration is doing.


Rather protectionist, I think, but I suspect if the economy were on a sounder footing he'd be more relaxed. He looks like a globalization kinda guy.

I may regret not watching the coronation ball today. I happened to catch a small slice of it at a friend's house and heard George Will speak disparagingly of the militaristic spectacle that was the beginning of the presidential parade. Peter Jennings tried to pretty it up, but Will came back again with how all the armored SUVs looked like so many tanks. And David Brooks was there. Jennings asked him if he wanted to agree with Will and he did.

It seems from their comments they realized what all that looked like from the outside.

The News Hour on PBS ought to be interesting today. I mean, if you're into that sort of thing.

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Posted by Prometheus 6 on January 20, 2005 - 6:51pm :: Media