How can you tell Bush has jumped the shark?

When Peggy Noonan disapproves.

The inaugural address itself was startling. It left me with a bad feeling, and reluctant dislike. Rhetorically, it veered from high-class boilerplate to strong and simple sentences, but it was not pedestrian. George W. Bush's second inaugural will no doubt prove historic because it carried a punch, asserting an agenda so sweeping that an observer quipped that by the end he would not have been surprised if the president had announced we were going to colonize Mars.

A short and self-conscious preamble led quickly to the meat of the speech: the president's evolving thoughts on freedom in the world. Those thoughts seemed marked by deep moral seriousness and no moral modesty.

No one will remember what the president said about domestic policy, which was the subject of the last third of the text. This may prove to have been a miscalculation.

It was a foreign-policy speech. To the extent our foreign policy is marked by a division that has been (crudely but serviceably) defined as a division between moralists and realists--the moralists taken with a romantic longing to carry democracy and justice to foreign fields, the realists motivated by what might be called cynicism and an acknowledgment of the limits of governmental power--President Bush sided strongly with the moralists, which was not a surprise. But he did it in a way that left this Bush supporter yearning for something she does not normally yearn for, and that is: nuance.

I must say, though, that her admission that she doesn't even want nuance on the whole strikes me as typical of the typical Bush supporter.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on January 24, 2005 - 8:55am :: Politics

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I had to write and say I was completely upset with the whole panel on Sunday. Everyone was ready to jump on the President for his speech this week and had not one positive comment. It is this lack of support and faith that will lead to situation in Iraq to get worse instead of better. You all would be more than happy to see the elections there fail and a total civil war take place. In this way you can say " I told you so ", but if it does lead to stability and a democratic government in Iraq you will still gripe about the way it was handled. Shame on all of you for trying to cover your bias and total unwillingness to see anything positive. Why don't you all move to Europe so you can be with your majority supporters.

Posted by  JIm Aven (not verified) on January 24, 2005 - 2:45pm.

Jim, since you seem so very familiar with what I'm going to say, is there a point to responding?

Posted by  Prometheus 6 on January 24, 2005 - 4:38pm.

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