Just read the rather amzing memo - 2 pdf pages

by Prometheus 6
January 27, 2005 - 6:55am.
on War

Incident date: 5/11/04 DIA personnel observed prisoners arriving at the Temporary Detention Facility with burn marks on their backs. Some had bruises and complained of kidney pain. One interrogator/debriefer witnessed TF 62-6 officers punch a prisoner in the face to the point where the prisoner needed medical attention. TF 62-6 personnel did not record treatment. Debriefer ordered to leave room. One DIA debriefer took pictures of the injuries, showed to TF 62-6 supervisor, who confiscated them. TF 62-6 personnel have done the following to DIA interrogators/debriefers: threatened them, confined them to the compound, ordered them not to talk to anyone in the US and informed them that their emails are being screened.