Are you satisfied George?

It's hard to think of a more disturbing story.

U.S. students say press freedoms go too far

One in three U.S. high school students say the press ought to be more restricted, and even more say the government should approve newspaper stories before readers see them, according to a survey being released Monday.

The survey of 112,003 students finds that 36 percent believe newspapers should get "government approval" of stories before publishing; 51 percent say they should be able to publish freely; 13 percent have no opinion.

Asked whether the press enjoys "too much freedom," not enough or about the right amount, 32 percent say "too much," and 37 percent say it has the right amount. Ten percent say it has too little.

The survey of First Amendment rights was commissioned by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and conducted last spring by the University of Connecticut. It also questioned 327 principals and 7,889 teachers.

The findings aren't surprising to Jack Dvorak, director of the High School Journalism Institute at Indiana University in Bloomington. "Even professional journalists are often unaware of a lot of the freedoms that might be associated with the First Amendment," he says.

The survey "confirms what a lot of people who are interested in this area have known for a long time," he says: Kids aren't learning enough about the First Amendment in history, civics or English classes. It also tracks closely with recent findings of adults' attitudes.

Although a large majority of students surveyed say musicians and others should be allowed to express "unpopular opinions," 74 percent say people shouldn't be able to burn or deface an American flag as a political statement; 75 percent mistakenly believe it is illegal.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on January 31, 2005 - 2:05pm :: News

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I read it as two-thirds of the students gave the right answer. That's a magnitude better response than public school students give to questions on reading, writing and arithmetic.

I guess your expectations are too high and mine are too low.

Posted by  Phelps (not verified) on January 31, 2005 - 7:19pm.

I understand why folks have problems with teh readin', writin, and 'rithmatic. Not happy with it, but at least I can see causes. What troubles me about this is, where in hell did they get these ideas?

There can't be enough schools that misteach the first amendment to account for this. There's probably few schools that give it significant weight, so they're geting this from their home environment. And what you learn at home is almost impossible to shake...and the odds that you'll pass it along to the next generation in concentrated form is pretty high.

Posted by  Prometheus 6 on January 31, 2005 - 9:01pm.

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