I saw an article the other day discussing the impact of adding $2-3 trillion dollars to the equity markets (the very goal of privatization). I know that's vague but anyway I forgot to bookmark it. If anyone runs up on it or something similar, I'd appreciate a link.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on February 4, 2005 - 9:10am :: Economics

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P6 - Did you happen to see that article in last week's NY Times about how the privatization of Social Security is working out in Chile? I found it interesting, among other things, that the intellectual founder and leader of this global movement is a guy named Jorge Pineda who served as a government minister for four years in the military dictatorship led by Pinochet. The Times' editors, as usual, soft pedaled the behavior of that dictatorship by refraining from mentioning some examples of its vile behavior. The story only referred to it as a "military dictatorship" as if those words alone could sufficiently convey the depravity that went on under Pinochet like placing blindfolded and handcuffed human beings in military transport planes and flying them out over the ocean and tossing them out into the sea from a few hundred feet in the air. Oh! I digress.

Pineda who is now attached to some front group at the Heritage Foundation did not return repeated calls from the Times. The Times did point that the military imposed this pension system on Chile's civilian workers but exempted military personnel from the plan. This helps to reinforce my view that these folks never have to engage in a conspiracy because they all pretty much agree with each other from the jump.

Posted by  PTCruiser on February 4, 2005 - 8:50pm.