See? I can link to puff pieces too.

Team Rice, Playing Away
Will State's Head Coach Miss Her First Kickoff?
By Dale Russakoff

Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, February 6, 2005; Page D01

Condoleezza Rice's first overseas trip as secretary of state may coincide with a moment of historic opportunity in the Middle East, but the timing couldn't be worse for her inner football fanatic. Since the dawn of the Super Bowl, when Rice was 12, she never has missed a kickoff. For 38 Super Bowl Sundays, she was in the stands or glued to a television, most of them beside her father and football mentor, the late John W. Rice.

But Super Bowl XXXIX will find the new secretary of state in Jerusalem, where it will be 1:30 a.m. Monday at kickoff time. "Unless she can find an all-night sports bar in the West Bank, she may have to miss it," laments Carmen Policy, a close friend and former president of Rice's favorite team, the Cleveland Browns.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on February 7, 2005 - 2:34pm :: News

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