Interesting questions

by Prometheus 6
February 7, 2005 - 6:59pm.
on Politics

So we know now Bush's private accounts will do exactly nothing to address any problem Social Security might have. This brings several questions and suggestions to mind.

  1. If we are really concerned about Social Security, shouldn't we drop all discussion of private accounts until the economic issues are resolved?
  2. Are George W. Bush's economic advisors so unknowledgeable that they didn't know private accounts wouldn't reduce Social Security's unfunded liabilities?
  3. When did George W. Bush find out his suggestion would have no impact on the stability of Social Security?
  4. When did George W. Bush's economic advisors find out his suggestion would have no impact on the stability of Social Security?
  5. Did George W. Bush talk to his economic advisors before going public with his suggestion?

It seems Bush and Co. are either too unknowledgeable to make good decisions (and you were warned, remember) or they knew the impact of their privatization plan would be nothing like what they claimed (and there is precedent for this possibility as well).

Either they didn't know and should have, or knew and claimed otherwise.

Any other options?

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Submitted by Lester Spence (not verified) on February 8, 2005 - 2:43am.

is "unknowledgeable" a word? if it isn't, i can think of a nice two-syllable alternative.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on February 8, 2005 - 4:24am.

"Unknowledgeable" is a word like "osteocephalic."

Submitted by Scott (not verified) on February 8, 2005 - 6:34pm.

I personally think the SS issues it just to throw the democrats off balance. Bush couldn't care less otherwise he would have a real proposal as apposed to this nonsence. This is a distraction so he can cut programs, and get energy bill and tort reform which matter to the people in power.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on February 8, 2005 - 6:43pm.

You may be right. I remember in 2001 the Bush administration threw shovel after shovel of shit at the wall. It looked to me lik ethe idea was to throw so much you couldn't stop it all.

May have been an error...there's no economic justification for it and it's too high profile now to just let it drop.