As traffic increases

...I'll be watching the way comments are used.

Any link entered in the comments in any way (including via trackback) get the rel="nofollow" thing automatically without exception, so the site is of no use to comment spammers. Still, I got one of them. And I always watch conversations that start up in two-week-old posts. Add in one seriously juvenile bit of spew and the thought of allowing only registered folk to comment arises.

Posted by Prometheus 6 on February 7, 2005 - 11:55pm :: Tech

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I don't mind being registered. Seems fair. I hate spammers as much as you do.

But two things I do mind.

1. cnulan's site delays posting for some arbitrary period of time. This is frustrating. You don't know what became of your posting. People rewrite their response, thinking the first one got lost.

2. Some sites reject registering email where one can obtain an account anonymously. Not many, but some do. I recognize that some trolls and other miscreants exploit yahoo or gmail accounts, but the ability to post anonymously grants freedom to describe experiences with less fear that other people in the story will be identifiable. I do recognize that IP addresses can be tracked back, say to an employer, so even anonymously, one is not free to behave in an anti-social manner. I also realize that given sufficient motivation, anyone can be outed. However, the value of limited anonymity should not be discounted.

Not that you ever threated either of those two things, p6. Bottom line, the requirement to register with some email address is not much of a barrier to those who would participate legitimately.

Posted by  dwshelf on February 8, 2005 - 6:25am.

Vision Circle has the same problem Cobb used to.

I recognize the value of anonymity. It's the reason that, for all my hesitation, I chose to allow it when I shifted to Drupal. I figure my first line of defense is to maintain a level of discourse that would make being an asshole obvious and embarassing to one's cause. Ultimately, though, I refuse to be annoyed on my own dime.

Posted by  Prometheus 6 on February 8, 2005 - 10:54am.

cnulan's site delays posting for some arbitrary period of time. This is frustrating. You don't know what became of your posting. People rewrite their response, thinking the first one got lost.

DW - I'm just one of 4 who blog at Vision Circle, and of these, I'm the junior member of the team.

Posts have to be approved by the thread owner, i.e., you post to one of my blog submissions, I get an email message and then go and approve your post. As I'm on CST and fairly early to bed, early to rise, if you post late, that's gonna guarantee a nocturnal delay. If you post during office hours, I'm on deck, online fairly continuously, so the delay will tend to be fairly short.

Posted by  cnulan on February 8, 2005 - 3:08pm.